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Kundalini Awakening
What is Kundalini Awakening
Sacred science of Kundalini Yoga
Path of Spiritual Evolution
e-book: the occult science of transforming sexual energy
Preparing for a kundalini awakening
Lifestyle Improvements for a smooth awakening
Kundalini Yoga Fundamentals
Tantric circular breathing & exercises to clear the chakras (Bonus Class)
Module 1: Cleansing and fertilizing the ground for the kundalini to rise
Class 1: Energy awareness
Meditation to receive guidance from Higher Self
Class 2: Let go and elevate
Meditation to create a powerful field of wisdom and light around you
Class 3: Setting the Foundation
Class 4: Efficient lungs
Class 5: Circulating the change
Class 10: Stable and Safe
Module 2: Kundalini Rising
Class 1: Root Chakra
Meditation 1
Class 4: Sacral Chakra
Class 7: Solar Plexus Chakra
Class 11: Solar Plexus + Heart Chakra
Module 3: Opening the Gateway to Higher Consciousness
Class 1: Heart Chakra
Meditation 1
Class 5: Throat Chakra
Class 7: 3th Eye Chakra
Class 8: 3th Eye Chakra
Class 9: Divine Shield - Aura
Class 10: Elemental Balance
Class 11: Prosperity of infinity
Class 12: Supernatural Human
Meditation 13
Class 8: 3th Eye Chakra
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